How to Start A blog For Free (For Beginners Guide).

If you are looking to start a professional looking blog  this article has all that you need to know from start to the end. To set up blog entirely  you will just need at most 20 minutes following the breakdown that we have here. Every step has been explained and made as precise as possible to ensure both beginners and professional can grab the concepts without much difficulties.

For any reason if you get some challenges in setting a blog you can easily reach out to me here or quickly shoot us messages through our contact form.

Should you start a blog there 6 basic Steps one has to follow. This includes

  • Choose the Name of the blog.
  • Have you blog available online.
  • Depending on the theme and niche have your blog customized.
  • Upload your first article.
  • Market your blog.
  • Perform blog monetization.

Why Start a blog?

The essence of anyone starting a blog is with the aim to share their story, motivation or education purposes. Blog for decades has been used as a tool just like TV  to have its audience stay updated and aware on what is happening around. What makes blogging stand out a bit different is the fact that the success of any blog is dependent on its niche and how big the audience is which there are targeting. Today with the advancement of technology business have embraced the need to have a blog as their face Online. Ecommerce’s have really changed the blogging world as they have incorporated ways that you can even purchase products online and are shipped to your door step.


The name that you come up with for your blog is very important as its determines a few factors among them the audience targeted as well as sets the tone. There are a number of factors to consider when deciding on which names fits well with your blog.

1. It should be simple to remember : A names that is easy  to pronounce and remember  has a very high probability to stick into the readers memory. Its important to avoid complicated spellings and long words.

2. Target audience: The kind of people you expect to be visiting your blog should be something to priorities therefore looking for words that they can relate with.

3. Type of content: The niche that the blog will be covering is important to be represented by the name of the blog. For instance a blog related with jobs opportunities could opt to have the word “JOB” appear in the domain name. Despite the name just speaking about the brand it boost the search ability in the internet in a great way.

4. Distinctive and uniqueness:  Doing prior search to ensure that there is no blog existing out there with a name close to yours is very important. This prevents unnecessary competition as well as bringing confusion between different brands.


For your blog to be accessible by people  all over the world there are a couple of things that you must do first. Here is a breakdown  of the entire process bit by bit.

1.Decide on the platform you opt for blogging.

Unlike some years back when we only had two or three options for  blogging ,today there are dozens  out there with more advanced features.Some of these  blogging platforms include;, blogger, wix,medium and platform are normally categorized into two paid and free blogging platforms.

2.Choose the Hosting  and Domain provider.

Domain name is basically the  name or the identity of the blogging platform. Therefore the name you decide to give the blog should simply reflect on the brand and what its about .Siteground, Bluehost and Host Gator are just a few of the most popular hosting provider that are exist today.

3.Install the Blogging Platform.

When you choose to go with the self hosted platform such as  you need to follow these steps.

  • Go to Hosting account  and login.
  • On the dashboard  use the one-click wordpress feature for installation.

4. Start Designing your Blog.

Blog designing is all about customizing or building how you want your platform to look like. If you are using platforms like wordpress its less easier as it involves just choosing the theme and having it customized to fit your preference. Theme customization involves changing the fonts, color and layout to have it speak better about the brand. WordPress theme  are more popular because  most of the necessary plugins are usually available. These plugins include; Yoast plugin,WP Super Cache  and Word fence.


Customization of your blog is considered to be  important since it makes it different from other as well as give readers  identity. In this article we look in details how you can customize a wordpress blog. To start with you need to have the plug-in installed and  activated.


To ensure that an article for the blog is well structured, informative and engaging there is framework to be followed. Below we will look into some important steps to follow to make sure the post is a perfect one.

Come up with the Topic.

What the article will be about should be something you take time to consider if  its relevance to the audience as well as to the brand. The interest of your readers should be your first priority for them to keep returning. Blogs that have been known to be successful have their article based on what is trending in  their niche. Google trend is a tool that is very helpful  for bloggers to quickly identify what is trending.

Outlining and Planning.

It’s a logical structure to have your thoughts organized .The introduction, body and the conclusion is considered to be the basic outline.


A new reader into your blog must have a good reason to come back and the way to do that is to have a hook. Every article should have a brief introduction and should give some insights on what your expect as a reader. Talk about what the reader might expect  either in listing form or a simple brief paragraph.

Write the Body.

The body is the part that carries the most weigh in any article therefore it provides the details to put more emphasis to support the claims. Subheadings are added to   make it easier for the body to be readable and more clear. In most cases every paragraph should comprise of at least 3-5 sentences to be much simpler  to read.


After all the points are highlighted and well explained the conclusion part is meant to wrap up everything mostly the main points. Conclusion part is considered to be the part for call to action to make the readers to subscribe to the blog or even keep sharing the post or drop a comment.


Regardless how good your blog is ,there is so much good that comes by from promoting your blog. Any successful promotion is a combination of different strategies put in places to see that more eyeballs landing into the platform. Below we discuss steps towards blog promotion:

 Creating High Quality Content.

This comprises coming up with topics that are of interest to the audience. To ensure that the readers understand when new articles are uploaded you must develop a program that is regular. Infographics ,images and videos  gives life  to the content to prevent  it from being  boring and be more interactive.


Blogs can be monetized in a couple of ways for the owner to reap some fruits of their labour. Here we look into some of the popular ways to make money blogging.

Google Adsense.

Adsense for decades has been the main revenue source for most blogs globally and unlike other ways that have emerged over the years  its more reliable . Here is a disadvantage that comes with it ,compared to other blogs monetization platforms adsense pays much less.

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